1. I don't like eating cold fruit
2. I wish spiders never existed, I can spot a spider a mile away
3. My favourite food is Japanese Chicken Wings
4. I am a picky eater
5. I love a clean house but despise cleaning
6. I was always a bit of a daredevil till I had a kid
7. I used to love watching scary movies alone in the dark
8. I would rather drink skim milk then water
9. I have an amazing husband
10. I am very stubborn just like my granny
11. I am very independent,I can do things myself
12. I love anything electronic and yes I read instruction manuals to learn everything about the item
13. I love old dutch rave salt and vinegar chips (way more salt and vinegar then the regular chips)
14. I love reading lds young adult fiction books
15. I love snowboarding even though I haven’t been able to do it for a long time
16. I played multiple sports growing up
17. People usually come to me when there’s a computer problem, even my husband
18. I like surprises
19. I have the cutest daughter!
20. I love scrapbooking, even though it gets ridiculously expensive
21. I got through high school with good grades
22. I was always the good kid, very trustworthy
23. I don’t have a favourite color, But I do not like pink
24. My dad gives out weird nicknames! One of mine is teldadytumtoriesgirl
25. I love eating banana cream pie, especially from Max and Ermas restaurant or my moms homemade pies
26. I have size 11 feet, and my mom has like size 4
27. I don’t like grape flavor anything
28. I don’t understand how someone can be a bad cook, just read the recipe and follow the directions
29. I have always wanted to ride a hot air balloon
30. I like reality shows, my favourite is Big Brother
31. I love camping in the outdoors
32. I love to go to the cabin but can’t really call it a cabin when it has way more luxuries then I could imagine
33. I am addicted to facebook
34. I very rarely have junk food in my house
35. I am spontaneous
36. I didn’t think I’d ever buy a minivan, but now that I have one can’t imagine why I would have ever thought that
37. I am the only one of my siblings not to have a middle name named after my parents
38. I am good with money
39. I don’t understand how people can like being pregnant
40. My baby makes her auntie jealous of her booty
41. I want 5 kids because 4 is too little and 6 is too much but don’t want a odd number of kids
42. My husband has more shoes then I do
43. I have my Birthday, Valentines day and my Anniversary within 10 days of each other
44. I think cheesecake looks good but does not taste good
45. I really want identical twins
46. I like strategy games like ticket to ride, or settlers of catan
47. I want to live just outside of the city one day
48. I want to take a lot of classes like guitar classes again, Sewing lessons, French lessons and lots more
49. I don’t think pink and blue are the only colors a baby has to wear
50. I love how my husband has one big dimple
51. I love snickerdoodles
52. I used to practice typing for fun when I was younger
53. I used to get carsick but I am able to control it to a certain degree now
54. I am a night person
55. I can rarely nap during the day
56. My first car was a sunfire
57. I don’t like music playing in the car most of the time, thanks dad!
58. I like having lots of extended family
59. I love cats
60. I never want to own a dog
61. I love having baths, especially when it’s a Jacuzzi
62. I love being by a fireplace on a cold day
63. A huge pet peeve of mine is clutter
64. I am not a patient person
65. I am a homebody, I like when people come over to my place
66. I like to be the one in control
67. I don’t think redheads should ever have facial hair
68. I love banana milkshakes
69. I remember weird numbers like my drivers license
70. I enjoy listening on to peoples phone calls
71. My hair used to turn green when I would swim in a pool too long
72. I like sun tanning on the back of the boat
73. I like to rollerblade
74. I was never emotional till I got pregnant
75. I think anyone who can get through an engagement can get through anything
76. I have 2 brothers and 1 sister
77. I love getting massaged
78. I can’t keep a plant alive, not even a cactus
79. I know why women are bad drivers, because there husbands never let them drive
80. I can’t just watch television without doing anything else
81. I think baby mum mums are a moms lifesaver
82. I do not like humidity
83. I love cuddling with my husband
84. I don’t wear things just because it’s the fad
85. I wish I could sleep one night uninterrupted
86. I am a blanket hog at night
87. I want to have a woodturner shop
88. I don’t like to buy things if its not practical
89. I dont know how to whistle normally, I whistle backwards
90. My husband cleans the toilet, not me
91. I don’t know how people live without a bbq
92. I was scared of the vacuum growing up
93. I have never broken a bone in my body
94. I only wear skirts on Sunday
95. I can’t wait till I can own a sleep number bed, You can make it as firm or soft as you want
96. I don’t understand why people need more then one pillow at night
97. My husband drives me crazy when he cracks my toes
98. I think a parent should never buy a nintendo system for themselves
99. I like when my mom comes visits because she will cook and clean for me
100.I dip my toast in ketchup