Zoë sure caught on quick on the whole trick or treating. She would stand at the door till they gave her twice as many candy as everybody else and then go to the next. She would not let anyone try to take her pumpkin that held the candy in away from her. She went out for 2 1/2 hours! Zoë's cousins Tighe and Dominique, also known as Harry Potter and Tigger with my monkey. 1/5th of Zoë's candy cousin Jayden showing off her candy she got as well.
We didn't go through the actual corn maze as it takes average 1-2 hours to complete but there were numerous other activities to do. Zoë was not scared at all going through the haunted house, such a brave girl! Zoë loved running through the minimaze Zoë and I on the wagon ride Zoë loved going through the petting zoo and petting the goats and sheep.
This is how Zoë plays with her car that she got from Nana Stanford. Zoë loves her new kitchen Grandma Sefcik bought for her. This stuffed animal that Lee and I made for her at the build a bear factory is the only thing that will make her happy when she's grumpy from waking up.