Thursday, February 24, 2011

Birthday, Valentines, & Anniversary

Wow, don't think I've made it this long without doing a post before. It's been a crazy month, and I don't even think I have any pictures of any of the crazyness. With my Birthday, Valentines Day, and Anniversary all within 10 days of each other it ends up being quite busy.

I have really started disliking my Birthday, it's a hard transition from childhood birthdays to adult birthdays. I know it's hard for Lee as he tries to make my birthday special but he is busy and I don't want him to have to worry/stress over it. My sister and friend Andrea and mom came over to spend the day, and brought some cake over. Lee had work and then a meeting so he didn't get home till really late. We were going to go out in the evening but babysitters fell through and I didn't want to go out super late since it was a weekday. Needless to say my Birthday is just exhausting and stressful.

Valentines Day was really fun. Lee, Carole and I took the kids to Gnomeo and Juliet. It was Carole's first time to see a 3D movie. (blurry iphone photo)
Then Carole stayed to watch the kids while we went out to eat at Montana's (our favourite restaurant) and then we snuck over to my parents place (they were in Arizona) and I had a relaxing jacuzzi while Lee watched sports.

Then.. on our Anniversary Lee surprised me by taking me to Legally Blonde, a broadway musical.

I love broadway musicals, so it was really fun. Best part was he got them off of kijiji for 1/2 price, I enjoy myself a lot more when I know we got a deal. We went to the Keg before our show (my soon to be new favourite restaurant) where I had the best steak dinner of my life. They had fresh BEETS for a side dish which I love, and they have this option called chicago where they char your steak on the outside which was so good.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Our new addition

This is Misty, our new addition to the family.

Lee and I went to the Calgary Humane Society on Monday while Zoë was in school (Lee had called in sick as he wasn't feeling good, but by the afternoon he was feeling much better). My mom had somewhat jokingly said we should get a cat for my Birthday, and so we decided to just go on a casual trip to the SPCA and just look. We went past each cage of cats and picked our favourites. We didn't want a little kitten as I wanted to skip the stage of cat scratching, litter training, and mischief, but I didn't want an old cat either. Misty (aka Darling at the SPCA, is 7 mos old) was the first cat we wanted to see in the adoption room, she instantly became a favourite and we brought her home that day. She never takes her claws out, and is so passive and cuddly. She is SO good with the kids, lets them carry her around and play doctor with her. So far she's been great at home, hasn't gotten into trouble, no bathroom accidents, and the kids are entertained. I like having cats as they can fend for themselves and don't mind being left for a few days on their own, unlike dogs, if we go on a vacation.

I am hoping the novelty of having a kitten wears off a little bit with Zoë as she is VERY attached. She doesn't want to go to preschool to leave her, and she finds it very hard to leave Misty alone while she's sleeping or eating. I am constantly telling her to give Misty a break, I am sure she will eventually....

She is a grey tabby, with a bit of orange patches.


I love these pj's at Walmart, they have all these different super hero pj costumes. The cape just velcros on, and Dreyton loves to play the part.

The kids and I worked on a craft to display their art work.

Dreyton was beyond excited when Zoë let him help her

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

S & S/Pretty Girl

My baby girl likes to dress nicely, even while she's sleeping...
I do put her in pajamas but she likes to play dress-up.

This is a very typical Dreyton response. He is a mix of sweet and sour, always says how much he loves me but HAS to finish it with a goofball head.