I had a 3rd ultrasound a few weeks ago and for some reason my babies are quite camera shy and they can't get all the pictures they need too. After having the technician, manager, and doctor come do the ultrasound on two pieces of equipment and two hours later, they gave up getting all the pictures they needed.
I asked multiple times if they knew it was a boy/girl and all of them said no as the baby had legs tight together the whole time. The 3 of them said if they had to guess they'd guess 70% girl, which is what I had figured I was having too. Needless to say this baby might surprise us in the end and be a boy so i'm unable to prepare as i'd like until the baby's born.
The reason I think i'm having a girl is the way I carried Zoë. I think I carry girls differently where they must sit on a nerve or in a spot that makes my body extremely sore and ache easily. I had a really hard time walking with Zoë and at times had to be pushed in a wheelchair if we were doing something really active. Luckily it hasn't gotten to that extreme yet with this one but with Dreyton I was walking for hours at Christmas light displays, days before I had him with no problem.
Lee asked the technician if the baby was measuring big as our other two they were both shocked with how big our babies were for there gestational age. But she said not at all, so here's hoping to a normal sized baby! I haven't gained any weight yet either which might be a good sign...
Here's some pictures from my ultrasound, good luck figuring out what is what.
I am assuming this is the side of the baby's face with the foot up to its hand...