Zoë: (at the top of her lungs) "this is the BEST day EVER!!!!!!!!!!!"
(continuously all afternoon/evening)
Zoë all ready for school in her super woman costume. She was throwing a temper tantrum just before this picture, but soon forgot all about it. She had a blast getting lots of candy at Kindergarten and making crafts with her grade 4 buddy.
Dreyton in his Captain American costume. Daddy had convinced him to get it,so he was watching Captain America clips on my phone for the past week learning all about the super hero. He also had a party for preschool, he got LOTS of candy there and did some Halloween crafts.
Getting ready to go trick-or-treating. I had a hard time thinking of something for Zoë to wear outside, as her superwoman costume wouldn't fit over a warm sweater. Luckily for $3 on Halloween Day, I was able to find the angel costume that was loose enough to fit over a sweater so she could stay warm.
(continuously all afternoon/evening)
Zoë all ready for school in her super woman costume. She was throwing a temper tantrum just before this picture, but soon forgot all about it. She had a blast getting lots of candy at Kindergarten and making crafts with her grade 4 buddy.
Dreyton was dressed up as Shrek.
They had so much fun going door-to-door, and got two big bags of candy to show for it. Dreyton got tired after awhile so he handed out playdough/decks of cards to kids while Zoë and Daddy went for a bit longer.