I love searching for deals, so when I came upon a deal of the day for a family of 4 to the corn maze I jumped on it. I enjoy it so much more knowing it didn't cost an arm and a leg.
My mom watched Tenley while we went, as it was quite windy which she would not have enjoyed.
Kids love these "pillows", you can jump pretty high on them
Train ride through a part of the big corn maze
Big pedal quads?
Dreyton saw his best girlfriend from school there - Ella. Watching the pig races
Petting Zoo
Zoë just loves to pose for the camera, usually telling me to grab the camera and take a picture quite often
Going through the smaller corn maze, you colour your fingers with chalk and try to find all the colours.
Horse-back riding. Zoë's pony's name was snowball
Don't remember the name of Dreytons
Bought some sugar pumpkins, and made some puree for the future.