Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Christmas was a little different for us this year.   We got possession of our house 4 days BEFORE  Christmas (it was supposed to be mid-end January, so a bit of a shock), we had tonnes of packing to do.    We didn't move until after Christmas, so we could enjoy the holidays a bit.    

The girls in front of my parents Christmas tree.  We never set one up this year, which was VERY strange.   Kinda glad we didn't set up a tree, as Tenley was constantly eating the lights and pulling the stuff off my parents tree.  Hopefully she's over that stage by next year! 

It was Tenleys 1st Christmas.   She had fun opening some presents, and sleeping for the rest.   

Dreyton excited to get his Star Wars lego from Santa

We wanted to do something small for Christmas at our new place, since this was our first year in our first home!   Santa surprised the kids by setting up the gifts at our new house.

Tenley got spoiled with a activity garden, and MANY other gifts

Don't ask me what Santa was thinking!!!   

I didn't get many pictures from Christmas as my camera broke.