Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Zoë update

So Zoë got her 6 month shots today, I hate doing them but at least she is done for 6 mos. She was so good didn't cry at all and has been so happy afterwards. She weighs 19 lbs and 2 ounces right now which is the 90th percentile for her weight, as well she is 26 1/4 inches which is the 50th percentile. Lee stayed home today since he is sick with a head cold so I was happy he didn't end up coming to her appointment or I would never hear the end of it saying that was the only reason she didn't cry was because he was there. The nurse also told me today that they're changing how they tell people to begin with baby food. Usually you start with vegetables and then fruit and then meat, but now its going to be meat, vegetables and then fruit. Something about losing iron if they don't start right away.

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