Tuesday, August 14, 2007

My little showoff

We went to Applebees today and we were at the far end so when we were done we had to walk past alot of booths. I let Zoë walk herself out and as she goes she stops and looks at the first table smiles at them and squints her face until they are all saying how cute and adorable she is and then she goes to the next one and repeats. My girl sure loves the attention all on her! Her favourite thing to do at home is to look at videos of herself, she thinks she's hilarious.


  1. that is so cute Jayden does the exact same thing when we go out

  2. they must be cousins! :)

  3. THey both KNOW the whole universe revolves around them. We will have to deal with the fallout from that at a later date. I never learn.....just look at thier uncle Ryan!
