Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Family Update

Zoë's such a toddler now, gets into everything! Loves to turn the tv on and off and change the channels (Daddy loves that!) She says quite a few words now, her favourite words (besides mama and dada) are "more" (when she wants more food) and "no". She loves to carry her dolls around everywhere she goes, and she sleeps through the night now, which will be nice for 4 mos. till it all starts again. She loves to cuddle and to sit on your lap when you are sitting down. She has also started swimming lessons which she enjoys, she will even put her face all the way in the water to get a toy.

Lee and I have been getting back into the hang of things with him starting school and getting the house back into order. We're almost done! We're SOO happy to be back home to have family meals again and get back to regular life with friends and our ward.

This pregnancy has been amazingly easy so far, completely different then when I was pregnant with Zoë. I tried on my prepregnancy jeans today and can still fit in them! I guess i'll be opting to have more boys from now on after I know how much easier this one has been.

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