Wednesday, January 30, 2008

My babies

I wanted to put a picture of Zoë and Dreyton both at a month old beside each other to see the similarities, I was shocked to see that they actually look quite similar.

Dreyton's hair is starting to get a bit long, so for the time being, it is perfect to do a mohawk with.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Zoë always goes around the house diddling, that is also what my mom did when she was younger hence her nickname diddledork

Dreyton just chillin'

Zoë has so many words in her vocabulary now as well as knowing what things are

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Random pics of the week

Zoë is always looking out for her baby brother, she makes sure he has anything and everything needed to calm him when he's fussing.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Picture Day

We finally had all the Sefcik fam together, so we decided to do family pictures. Lee's sister Erin was able to come and take them at my parents place which was very helpful.