Thursday, January 24, 2008

Zoë always goes around the house diddling, that is also what my mom did when she was younger hence her nickname diddledork

Dreyton just chillin'

Zoë has so many words in her vocabulary now as well as knowing what things are


  1. Haha...I love your videos Kristy. Zoe's cute at her diddle-ing. Dreyton is getting so big so fast, he's almost a month old on Sunday. And Zoe knowing her body parts, and you can here Dreyton snorting or something, in the backround. Can't wit to see you guys in 3 weeks.

  2. hehe i love the 'doodle, doodle, doodle..' video

  3. She almost poked her eyeball out.....better bypass "wheres your eyes" next time....she is so cute and what a good mom you are to keep up on videoing her even when you're so busy with 2

  4. besides it was DIDDLE not diddleDORK...that was your dads addition

  5. That diddle-ing stuff is pretty impressive. I don't think I could even do that, and I'm 21 years old. How does she say "diddle" so fast???
