Sunday, December 13, 2009

Work Adult Christmas Party

This weekend we went to an adult Christmas party for Lee's firm in Banff. We had the kids stay at Grandma and Papa's house while we went early to spend some more time there. We went and got a couple's massage and then went shopping for a bit before heading to the hotel. The hotel we stayed at was called the Rimrock hotel which was a very nice hotel, we got one of the executive suites which was huge.

In the evening we had a fancy dinner and a dance. It was nice to meet alot of the people Lee works with. It was a weird mix of LDS members and non-members with an open bar. In the morning they had a huge brunch for us before heading out.

Our view from the hotel room


  1. Wow - can't complain about anything there. What a GREAT get-a-way!

  2. What a fun treat for you two! And in such beautiful surroundings. I'm glad you had a great time.

  3. BIG room. Dave and I ended up with a big one like that at the Coast Plaza hotel in Edmonton. We pre paid through CAA for a normal suite with a king bed. But we ended up with a jr. suite because the gave away our room. We got a free upgrade. We had a dining room, living room, bedroom, and big bathroom. And the hallway to get there, you had to walk about a minute before you were actually in your room.

    Also, love the color of your dress. It does look like your shopping experience last week was successful.

  4. Gotta love all expenses paid work parties. If I knew it was that nice and big I would have come too (with your kids)That would have ended the second honeymoon pretty fast
    Very nice picture of u2
