Friday, March 26, 2010

My Techy Boy

Of course with Lee and I we knew we would have techy kids. Dreyton is impressive on electronics, he LOVES his cool school computer which has tonnes of learning games and he loves Daddy's itouch. He can play a game on the itouch, go back to the applications, switch pages and click on the one he wants and starts it all on his own.


  1. Grandma debbi3/26/10, 7:37 PM

    Maybe he can help his grandma! Its really outta control when a BARELY 2 year old is that smart.

  2. From Nana Carole:
    Watching Dreyton in action with Lee's i-touch is beyond impressive. When I am more adept with programming my new SMARTboard & projector, Dreyton & Zoe will have to take some "field trips" to Nana's classroom. No doubt those experiences will be an inspiration to me.
