Thursday, April 22, 2010

Random Ones

Zoë was playing in the backyard for awhile today and came and showed me her gardening skills.

Zoë and Jayden having a break playing in the backyard to have some blizzard ice cream.

We went to the zoo today with Andrea and her nephew Addan. Such a cute boy, kept making random faces when i would take his picture.

My kids have no fear, Dreyton was having a meltdown that I wouldn't let him get too close to the peacock.

Long fun day

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Calgary Zoo

We got zoo season passes this year, so we've already gone a few times since we've gotten it. I love going and not having to feel like we have to go all day to get our money's worth. I am in the process of making Zoë's bedroom a garden/bug theme and Dreyton's a safari animal/noah's ark theme, so I took some pictures I want to put in there rooms while we were there.

An easy craft I did for Dreyton's safari animal room

Friday, April 16, 2010

Out of the toddler bed

When we went to Montana a couple of weeks ago we picked up a cute bed and dresser set for Dreyton. After a few hours of Lee putting it together they are finally built.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Weekend

We went to Kalispell for the weekend with my parents and Granny this Easter weekend. Lee has been working like crazy right now so it was nice to get a couple of days off with him.

Meeting the Easter bunny at the mall in Kalispell. They had lots of activities going on at the mall when we went (facepainting, colouring, and some games).

Sefcik cousins Easter egg hunt at Grandma's house.

The Easter bunny came and hid their baskets around the cabin

We left Sunday morning back to Calgary and had a yummy turkey dinner with the Stanford family.