Thursday, April 22, 2010

Random Ones

Zoë was playing in the backyard for awhile today and came and showed me her gardening skills.

Zoë and Jayden having a break playing in the backyard to have some blizzard ice cream.

We went to the zoo today with Andrea and her nephew Addan. Such a cute boy, kept making random faces when i would take his picture.

My kids have no fear, Dreyton was having a meltdown that I wouldn't let him get too close to the peacock.

Long fun day


  1. Oh poor zoe, that is one crooooked neck!

  2. grandma debbi4/23/10, 8:57 AM

    Maybe we shouldnt have advanced her to the booster rather than the full carseat. My poor tired little one!

  3. Marion Naylor4/23/10, 9:17 PM

    That is SO FUNNY! They're really zonked, aren't they?

  4. oh ya they were definetely sleeping after an hour of being whiny and cranky.
