Sunday, October 31, 2010


Zoë getting ready for preschool where she got to wear her costume

We went to two trunk or treats this year which added up to a TONNE of candy, it was alot of fun and the kids had a blast. Dreyton went as Shrek, and Zoë had three different costumes (superwoman, tiger, and pirate).

While I was at work, Lee and the kids carved a pumpkin

We handed out mini decks of cards for Halloween, the kids were so excited to hand out the cards to kids who came by.

The loot

Monday, October 18, 2010

Corn Maze

We went to the corn maze on Saturday, it was lots of fun.

Going on the train

Going through the smaller maze, you try to find 5 boards while you go through the maze, put the color chalk on one of your fingers and then at the end from the pattern of colours you put on your hand you are supposed to pretend to be something, we were sharks

they got something new this year, which are big inflatable pillows. Kids could get some good air from jumping on them

Watching the pig races

My dad's birthday was on the weekend, so we had a ham dinner at our place for him on the Sunday.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

New Job

Now that I have gotten my first paycheque i'll let you guys know I got a job.
It is part-time, and lots of flexibility to work around my schedule.
I am a part-time property management assistant.
I work for a lady that owns about 15 houses/basement suites that I take care of, doing walk-ins, walk-outs, showings, bookkeeping, scheduling to get things fixed etc.
When I go to her house once in awhile, I take the kids and her nanny watches them while they play with her kids.
I am so excited about this job, as it is something I enjoy, and it will be a good asset to learn how to do bookkeeping being a stay-at-home mom.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Lee, Nana and Pops took the kids to an open house firehouse Saturday. They got to look around, and go in the trucks.