Once in awhile, right in the middle of ordinary life, Love gives us a Fairy Tale...
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
It's a girl!
I knew instantly before the technician said anything that it was DEFINITELY a girl.
We have the baby names narrowed to two names, maybe by the time the baby is born we'll have picked one.
3D pictures are a little strange looking, but its fun to look at the close features at the same time. This baby has a decent amount of hair so far, as did both my others. She kept yawning and opening and closing her eyes during the ultrasound. They said the baby is about 2.8 lbs right now which is right on track for being 29 weeks.
**WARNING**-graphic content: the following image may be disturbing to some viewers. Viewer discretion is strongly advised.

hard to see in this picture, but there's the back of her legs and in the middle by the G is the girl parts.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Halloween 2011
(continuously all afternoon/evening)
Zoë all ready for school in her super woman costume. She was throwing a temper tantrum just before this picture, but soon forgot all about it. She had a blast getting lots of candy at Kindergarten and making crafts with her grade 4 buddy.
Dreyton was dressed up as Shrek.
They had so much fun going door-to-door, and got two big bags of candy to show for it. Dreyton got tired after awhile so he handed out playdough/decks of cards to kids while Zoë and Daddy went for a bit longer.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Baby #3
I had a 3rd ultrasound a few weeks ago and for some reason my babies are quite camera shy and they can't get all the pictures they need too. After having the technician, manager, and doctor come do the ultrasound on two pieces of equipment and two hours later, they gave up getting all the pictures they needed.
I asked multiple times if they knew it was a boy/girl and all of them said no as the baby had legs tight together the whole time. The 3 of them said if they had to guess they'd guess 70% girl, which is what I had figured I was having too. Needless to say this baby might surprise us in the end and be a boy so i'm unable to prepare as i'd like until the baby's born.
The reason I think i'm having a girl is the way I carried Zoë. I think I carry girls differently where they must sit on a nerve or in a spot that makes my body extremely sore and ache easily. I had a really hard time walking with Zoë and at times had to be pushed in a wheelchair if we were doing something really active. Luckily it hasn't gotten to that extreme yet with this one but with Dreyton I was walking for hours at Christmas light displays, days before I had him with no problem.
Lee asked the technician if the baby was measuring big as our other two they were both shocked with how big our babies were for there gestational age. But she said not at all, so here's hoping to a normal sized baby! I haven't gained any weight yet either which might be a good sign...
Here's some pictures from my ultrasound, good luck figuring out what is what.
I am assuming this is the side of the baby's face with the foot up to its hand...

Monday, October 24, 2011
Random Pics from Camera

Thursday, October 13, 2011
Frankensteins & Jack-O-Lanterns
Monday, October 10, 2011
Monday, October 3, 2011
Family Pictures

Thursday, September 8, 2011
Beginning of School
Dreyton has been waiting for preschool since Zoë started a year ago. He is such a social boy and excited to meet new friends. By the end of his first class he was already saying bye to about 4 different kids by names.
Zoë has been looking forward to kindergarten since her preschool graduation. She is excited to now have a school that has playgrounds, a library and gym. I put her in Mckenzie Lake School which isn't her designated school but way closer. Her designated school is Acadia school which is about 15 minutes away and had up to grade 9 kids on the same school bus. I feel alot more comfortable with her being close by and in a newer school. She is having so much fun so far, her favourite part is gym class where they get to play lots of fun games.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Saturday, August 27, 2011
2 weeks at the cabin

Jenn, Dreyton, and I on the tube.
The kids had alot of fun on this inflatable waterpark. We had hot tub water pumped in so it wasn't so cold from the hose.
between Toozik and Anya, my kids spent most of there time playing with both of them.
My Uncle Dave and Dreyton chillin' in the boat
Dreyton splashing Uncle Ryan while swimming in the cove