We got to stay for two weeks at the cabin this year which was so nice. There was only one day of slightly cloudy the whole two weeks we were there.

The kids had fun jumping in the lake continuously, sadly I didn't get a picture of Dreyton doing his face flop running into the water. He'd run from the end of the dock and jump in belly flop style and his face would hit the water at the same time, didn't look comfortable, but was hilarious to watch
My water babies! The temperature doesn't even faze them in the water.

Jenn, Dreyton, and I on the tube.
The kids had alot of fun on this inflatable waterpark. We had hot tub water pumped in so it wasn't so cold from the hose.
between Toozik and Anya, my kids spent most of there time playing with both of them.
My Uncle Dave and Dreyton chillin' in the boat
Dreyton splashing Uncle Ryan while swimming in the cove
Looks like it was a really great two weeks.