Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Zoë didn't have preschool this week, so I decided to go to Edmonton area and visit my cousin Heather for a couple days. Our kids are the same age and had alot of fun playing with each other. We went to galaxyland one day and I was so proud of Dreyton. Last year he wouldn't even go on the carousel without being terrified, but this time he went on all the rides the other kids did and loved them. HUGE milestone from last year.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Weekend

The Easter Bunny came. The kids were so excited to wake up and see some chocolate eggs scattered around, telling them that the Easter Bunny had come and had hidden there baskets.

look Mommy, there's chocolate!
Dreyton's been asking for a transformer for weeks, so he was very excited to see one in his basket
Zoë loved getting her monopoly jr board game
Since Daddy had an extra day on the weekend, we decided it would be a perfect time to set up the trampoline Nana Stanford had gotten them for Christmas. Lee was a little tired after spending 3 hours setting it up.
The girls after school with their Easter candy.
We had Jayden and Drew over to do some egg dying, I didn't want too many hard-boiled eggs, so after the kids did two each, we decided to be VERY careful and do my regular eggs.

on Sunday we had an Easter egg hunt with the Stanford cousins. Then afterwards, we went to my Grandma & Grandpa Sefcik's for a very yummy turkey dinner

It was a busy, but fun long weekend. The kids and I loved having Lee home for that extra day, doesn't happen often enough.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Pajama Day

Today was Pajama Day at preschool, Zoë was so excited to be silly and wear them. Jayden is now in Zoë's preschool, they both love being in the same school together. Dayna and I like it as well, as we can help each other pick up the girls, sometimes one stays back at my place with the boys. as I was writing this Dreyton came down the stairs and asked if I could get the sticky stuff off of him.. apparently I depend on Zoë too much to tell me if Dreyton's getting into trouble. After preschool I put a movie on in my room and about an hour later Dreyton comes downstairs COVERED in my thick cream. I go upstairs and see Zoë sleeping, and my bed and table covered in cream. I throw my blanket in the wash and come down after cleaning most of it all up and noticed a inch of water from my basement all over my laundry room and bathroom..... I have done this twice with this blanket. It is a king sized blanket and is obviously too big. Sometimes it works fine, and then twice it has done this.... and Lee has to work late... lucky him!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Puddle Jumping

We decided to go puddle jumping yesterday evening. The kids were so excited that they were ALLOWED to jump in puddles.

They were SO excited to see the massive puddle on the park

after we noticed Dreytons boots were completely covered we didn't let them go any further.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

April Snow

I love conference Sundays, don't have to get dressed up to go to church and can just relax watch conference and send kids '(and husband) outside in the snow afterwards. We got a huge dump of snow this weekend and today was so warm it was perfect snowball weather.