Today was Pajama Day at preschool, Zoë was so excited to be silly and wear them.

Jayden is now in Zoë's preschool, they both love being in the same school together. Dayna and I like it as well, as we can help each other pick up the girls, sometimes one stays back at my place with the boys.

as I was writing this Dreyton came down the stairs and asked if I could get the sticky stuff off of him.. apparently I depend on Zoë too much to tell me if Dreyton's getting into trouble. After preschool I put a movie on in my room and about an hour later Dreyton comes downstairs COVERED in my thick cream. I go upstairs and see Zoë sleeping, and my bed and table covered in cream.

I throw my blanket in the wash and come down after cleaning most of it all up and noticed a inch of water from my basement all over my laundry room and bathroom..... I have done this twice with this blanket. It is a king sized blanket and is obviously too big. Sometimes it works fine, and then twice it has done this.... and Lee has to work late... lucky him!
The joys of mischievious little red-headed's a wonder he didn't plaster Zoe with it too, even in her sleep state! Nice that the girls can attend play school together now, sweet cousins.