Dreyton is 3 years old,
41.5 inches tall (95%)
and 39 lbs (92%)
His favourite things to do are play computer/wii games and puzzles. He loves anything that he has to figure out and that is more intellectual.
Dreyton is very independent and loves to do things himself, no matter how long it takes for him to do it.
His favourite things to eat are bananas, grilled cheese sandwiches, cucumbers, and porridge.
He dislikes eating spaghetti, tomatoes, and hamburgers.
He loves superhero's right now. Spiderman, Batman, and Transformers, anything that has a special power. He is a very sweet/loving boy when he wants to be, but he can also throw some loud tantrums over nothing.
He loves his full name, anytime someone calls him something else (goofball, or silly boy etc) he makes sure to correct them and says his name is Dreyton Leland Stanford.
Dreyton is in a swimming/variety class right now. He loves to swim and put his face in the water.
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