Christmas Eve
I have been really bad at taking pictures lately, I didn't even bring my camera for our Christmas Eve Sefcik get together.
For Christmas Eve we booked the church and all the Sefcik extended family that was in town came. We had soups and sandwiches for dinner and visited lots. We also had a program where anyone who wants to sing, dance, and play instruments can. Dreyton was too shy to do his Santa got stuck up the chimney song (maybe next year), and Zoë and Jayden did a couple songs they learned in kindergarten together.
at the end of the program Santa dropped in and gave all the kids a little present

Zoë had some secret words with Santa.

She told Gramma that it wasn't the real Santa because he had a garbage bag and not a red sack. I told her that the sack was full with presents as it was Christmas eve, so he only had a garbage bag. Not sure if she believed me.
Then while the kids were entertained with there new toys, in true Sefcik style, we played some games till it was time to take the kids home to bed.
Early Christmas Morning
Usually for Christmas morning we take all our presents and go to my parents early in the morning and Santa has normally brought the gifts there. This year we decided to have Santa presents at our house and start the tradition of being by ourselves for a bit in the morning, before heading to extended families. I enjoyed having a bit of time just with us in our own home.
Zoë's Santa Gifts (barbie furniture for her dollhouse, and a sitting up pillow/blanket set)
Dreytons Santa Gifts (marble track, and a bumblebee transformer)
Misty has been sleeping on the floor next to our bed which drives me crazy as I am always stepping on her in the night. Santa brought her a cat bed which she loves, and I know where she is so i'm not stepping on her. First time smelling catnip, she was going crazy wanting to get in the stocking.
Dreyton was able to see Santa a few times before Christmas at different holiday events. He made sure to remind him each time that he wanted a bumblebee transformer.
Later Christmas Morning
We soon headed to my parents place to open presents with the Sefcik side.
The tradition has always been to open up presents from youngest to oldest. Each time the kids would open a present they'd all disappear to go play while the adults opened up their gifts, and we'd have to find them and get them back when it was there turn again.
The four older kids all got light sabres. Lee had fun teaching Dreyton all about them and have him watch some older cartoon star wars to get him excited for them.
The girls got karaoke machines from Gramma and Papa,
Zoë LOVES hers, and plays it daily (in her room, where I cannot hear it much)
Went to Church
It was nice to have church on Christmas. It broke up the time well inbetween families and to get the true meaning of Christmas in as well with a Christmas program.
Christmas Afternoon
We had a couple hours after church to just relax and enjoy some quiet time before we had the Stanford side over at our place. Yet again, I didnt' get much pictures..
We opened up presents, kids were SO spoiled this year from everyone.
Dreyton got a spiderman bike and Zoë got a keyboard from Nana they were super excited about.
We then had a ham dinner for Christmas Day which was very good. Apparently too good for me, I must have had too much, as I had a 4 hour gallstone attack that evening... SO not fun...!
Boxing Day
I had fun putting ALL the Christmas decorations and Christmas tree away till next year. I love having it up for December, but once Christmas is over I just want to get organized and clean up.
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