Thursday, August 23, 2012

This is just a post to record my kids weights..   It's fun to see, as Dreyton must be going through a growth spurt right now as he has gained 5 lbs in 3 months.   

Zoe: 58 lbs
Dreyton:  50 lbs
Tenley: 15 lbs 1 ounce

Zoë's 6th Birthday!

My firstborn is now 6 years old!  Somehow her sleepover party with only 3 friends blew up a bit which ended up being a party and then sleepover with two friends .  She had a blast all day, and kept saying how much fun it was.

While I got ready in the early afternoon, Nana Stanford took Zoë and Dreyton out which helped me quite a bit.  Unfortunately, my cat (Misty) thought I didn't have enough excitement in my life,  so she decided to chase a MOUSE in the house!

I got some random guy outside my house to help me hold the couches up so I could sweep it out of the house, but it was nowhere to be found.  I decided to clean up behind the couches since they were moved already and found it hiding, so I ended up getting it out on my own.   Poor mouse was pretty hurt, but it was too cute to kill so I just let it go away outside.

For the party they played a few games

The Princess and the Frog - Kiss the Frog:  the girls put on lipstick and kissed the picture, and the boys had blue cardboard lips to pin on

Snow White - Bobbing for apples:  Don't get the poison apple

Ate lots of Food

Present opening

they did some crafts and had cake and ice cream . 
I was just going to do ice cream sundaes with a bunch of toppings, so I never made a cake.   That morning Zoë said she didn't want a sundae and just wanted a princess cake...   Luckily after quite a few phone calls, and people thinking that i'm crazy to ask them to make a cake on such short notice I found one store that was willing to!  $30 later...   here it is!  

The last little bit of the party, the kids watched Tangled in 3D.  It was quite humerous to watch them all break out in song and try to grab at the objects.

When the party was over, Zoë had her cousin Jayden and close friend Saryn over for a sleepover

They all got matching princess pajamas

Before bed we went and flew flying lanterns (chinese flying lanterns that are on the movie Tangled)

(yes, I know my son has pants that are up to his knees, and that he's wearing pink dora shoes... , if he didn't strip down at night to NOTHING i'd maybe think about buying him some new pj's)

Lighting the fuel cell on fire

Going out in the sky (it flies quite high and far). I'm sure people were wondering what the heck was flying past above them

Gramma and Papa Sefcik bought Zoë a new bike for her birthday.   Zoë and I rode around the area for over half an hour today and she kept up with me the whole time.  

Of course she picked out the most expensive bike at the store, and when Gramma mentioned how much it was going to be she said "ok Gramma, just let me ride around the store and then we can get a cheaper one".   Needless to say Zoë was SUPER excited to see it the next day. 

P.S. - going to kill my sister for buying a makeup kit 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Dreyton's LDS funnies

Dreyton has made me laugh quite a bit lately.   He definitely listens In primary and at home when we talk about church principles and beliefs.

I overhear Dreyton talking to a Neighbour kid while he is jumping on the trampoline. "Did you know Jesus can walk on water!   He lives you know"  I'm pretty sure they are Jewish too.

One day I was getting mad at Dreyton for doing something wrong,  he says to me "Mommy!  My wrongs will be washed away!"

He is always randomly telling me "Jesus lives Mommy, he really does!  The scriptures tell us it's true".

This wasn't regarding church at all, but I was watching a show, and I must have gotten distracted and left the commercials running, because a few minutes later Dreyton says to me "mommy you should
wear lipstick, so you can be a cover girl!"

I'm sure there are a few others I'm missing, but at almost midnight my brains not working well.