Sunday, December 2, 2012

Tenley is now 9 months!

This girl keeps me on my toes!   She is very busy, and advancing way too quick.   With Zoë and Dreyton I was ready for them to learn new things and was excited to see them advance and grow.  With Tenley I want her to stay small and like a baby for as long as possible.   I know how fast it goes by!    Unfortunately Tenley has other plans....

Tenley at the science center in the baby area.   She is crawling, and pulling herself up on everything.   She loves to let go and try to balance standing on her own.   

She loved crawling through this tunnel of mirrors.  

Baby crawling track.

This pictures shows her in my eyes, a blur!    Can't keep up with this girl, I am usually trying to catch her from getting into trouble every few seconds.  

Unfortunately my camera is broken, so I have had to take poor iphone photos.

A typical Tenley picture, crazy hair!

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