Thursday, May 16, 2013

New House

We have now lived in our house for 5 months.   I LOVE the house and the neighbourhood

I love being SO close to the ridge (fish creek park), so pretty.

I love being SO close to a park (kids are always going together, by themselves)

I love having the kids school in the community

I love love love my house!

I love that we have 4 bedrooms upstairs with a little playroom

I love having laundry upstairs and not having to share with the mud room

I love my kitchen and all the space to cook

I love my fridge with the separate drawer, and the stove with two ovens.

I love having a separate computer/craft area, can't wait to add shelves. (pic taken before we moved in)

I love the shelving that Lee has put up in our tall garage, great to have that storage space.  He is going to add some more as well.

I could keep going for awhile, but i'll stop.

Of course, being in a new house has its downfalls as well.  Being in a construction area, and not having a backyard is hard.    I'm glad that those things are temporary though.  

I don't have much on the walls yet, I am very indecisive, and not very good at figuring out what goes where.    I am slowly doing room by room though.  

Here are some more pictures.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Family Update

My camera has been broken for the past few months so I haven't been taking many pictures recently.    For Mother's Day, Lee & the kids got me a new small camera which I LOVE!   

Also, with Tenley taking 3 naps/day & the kids both at school I spend a lot more time at home.   

Mother's Day morning I was testing out the new camera.   
These two are clones, personality and looks.  

Dreyton has so much fun at Kindergarten, but loves his downtime when he gets home.  He loves to play on the Xbox (just like his Daddy), his favourite games are Skylanders & Lego Batman.   He also is in soccer which he loves going too.   At the beginning he just wanted to block the net (at this age division they don't have anybody in the net), but he is now getting really good at getting the ball & he has been scoring quite a few goals.    

This girl I rarely see.   She is always having play dates with friends, or going to the park as soon as she gets home (now that its warmer out).   After a long day of school, and playing with friends you would assume she would just want to wind down and relax for a bit, but no she just keeps going and going and going.  She is also in soccer, on an all-girls division which she loves as well.  

Tenley is becoming such a little Toddler, so independent.    She loves getting attention from others, and has a little temper if she doesn't get the attention.   She LOVES talking on the phone and sleeping.    She still sleeps 3x/day, which makes it hard for me to go out places.    She does not like to be carried anymore when outside, will try wriggle out of my arms so she can run.

I get to take care of my cute niece Amy 3x/week.   It's a lot more challenging getting 2 one year olds in the car and buckled to get kids, but it's fun to have her around.   She is so giggly/happy ALL the time.