Going over the pass never gets old, prettiest place ever.
The cabin 2013
going on a hike in the woods
we met Katya's parents for the first time, it is the first time they have been to the US and didn't speak one word of english. Interesting to try communicating to each other.
a little cold, but still loved it for a short time
Zoë and I spent lots of time on the kayaks, they're great. She can manoeuvre them pretty good too.
hot tub water is more like it
I let them control the seadoo's with me on the back holding on for dear life. Luckily there's an option where you can limit the speed.
Some of the water toys on the dock
This mommy duck and babies swam straight to Dreyton, they were not scared at all.
Best way to get 8 cousins to be on the blanket together at the same time? cupcakes! Happy Birthday Makai!
Zoë & Dreyton on the tube ride with my cousin Remington
This girl is such a water baby!
we love doing our own July 4th fireworks!
Having lots of fun with their second cousins!
My Uncle Trent decided to show them how to do donuts, and they kept wanting to do them over and over again, they got some good air with them.
One gross looking frog, she's fearless
Best way to get a baby to sleep is to go on a boat ride
Lee and I had fun going on the side by side after the kids were in bed
Ashley Lake, so pretty
Hit it Tenley
Zoë is such a determined girl. Anything she does she keeps practicing and practicing. She knows I used to do headstands as a girl so she practiced and practiced till she got great at it.
Here's another example of her determination. First time waterskiing and she kept trying and trying till she got up and would never get tired of going. Lee and I had to call it quits!
here's a video of Zoë waterskiing
Always lots of fun at the cabin!
At one of Lee's extended family reunions in Pincher Creek. It was nice to get away for a few days and see some of his relatives.
We spent many evenings going on walks in fish creek, great to have Fish creek so close to home.
or walking/biking along the ridge SO close to home
we had a houseguest this summer as well (actually FOUR month long houseguest) Shawn's ferret Maple stayed with us while he was away working
we left Tenley with Gramma for an afternoon and went to Calaway Park. Not sure who has more fun , Lee and I or the kids.