Thursday, August 22, 2013

Zoë's 7th Birthday!

Zoë wanted to do a baking/craft party so that's what we did! It worked out as the weather wasn't great that day to have an outdoor party.

Simple Decorations, decided to go with a neon theme

can't have a party without lots of random balloons!

Zoë with her Papa and Dreyton

Before the Party

That should be me in the pic for doing most of the work, but my mom tries to get credit for it all.  (She did help a little though!)

This isn't really in order, but cake decorating time!

a simple canvas craft, I love using canvas!

Zoë's BFF

yes, close to her 7th birthday Zoë decided to chop off part of her hair in the front, hence the VERY short bang style.   (WAY better then it was)

She's getting way too big

Aprons I bought, and threw on some cute vinyl lettering

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