Saturday, January 31, 2009


Zoë is now in the why stage. She asks why with everything we say or do and repeats it a 1/2 a dozen times as well. The other day Dayna and Brook were taking Jayden to the playarea at McDonalds and took Zoë along as well. On the way back home Dayna said the girls were having a discussion.

Jayden: Zoë shhhh...
Zoë: why?
Jayden: b'cause
Zoë: why?
Jayden: b'cause
Zoë: why?
Jayden: b'cause

You get the jyst of the conversation.


  1. This cracks me up! Beter get used to it, it may last a while....Lv, Shorty

  2. why? Most of the recipes are coming from that book, but not all. Today was a tuna salad that used pureed cauliflower instead of mayonnaise and it was super yummy! If you want to have a look at the book you can borrow it, it is like $30, and mostly just concept cooking

  3. I'm still in the asking why phase, i think.
