Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mall's Play Area

Lee and I took the kids to this free mall play area today. They had lots of fun, just wish the kids could play a little longer, it's way too structured and only allows them to come play for 30 minutes a day. They have a different section for older kids which I think is a great idea.


  1. looks like fun - which mall?

  2. it is market mall, very far but it is nice to go to once in awhile.

  3. Very cool. Southcentre Mall's new one, near Jersey City & Swimco, is going to have a fish pond covered by plexi glass, or something like that. That's what my parents said it looked like from the 2nd level.

  4. Marion Naylor5/14/09, 10:30 PM

    Looks like really neat stuff to play on! But why the time restriction, is it so crowded that they want to give everybody a chance to enjoy? Oh, maybe I get it now. They want to have you shopping the mall, rather than hanging around the play area all day??? Good job, Kristy...growing experience for the kids.

  5. i didn't know southcenter was getting a new one, hopefully its somewhat nice unlike there old ones. It's so crowded shorty cause no other malls have play areas nowadays. When I was there I saw this lady with triplets and pregnant with twins, crazy!

  6. That's cool, a mall with a play area. Looks like the kids had a tonne of fun.
    I was walking through bonnie doon mall a few months ago, and they had a petting zoo set up..with potbellied pigs, geese, ducks, goats, a midget horse, sheep, rabbits, ginuea pigs...the kids seemed to like it....but MAN, DID IT SMELL BAD!
