My baby boy is growing up way too quick. He started potty training himself a couple weeks ago and now today he decided he didn't want to wear diapers anymore. He kicked and screamed and when I finally got the diaper on he ripped it off, after going through two diapers I gave up and let him wear nothing. Luckily he had been really good and hadn't had an accident all day today.
Dreyton's also mastered opening doors within the last few days. He is pretty good with ones that I don't want him to go in, but his bedroom door had to get a childproof handle on it.
He is also getting to the point where he doesn't want to nap anymore. After 2 hours of playing in his room I give up and let him out. I took out his bookshelf today which he loves to climb on and he fell asleep right away, so im' HOPING that solves the no napping.
I got his 18 month shots done a week ago he weighs 30 lbs and is 35 inches long.