Sunday, February 28, 2010

My parents new pet

This coyote spent most of its day in my parents backyard yesterday, it would coast easily over the fences. I am surprised that bird made it out alive, the coyote didn't even try to get it.


  1. Still cant believe that, that beast was huge

  2. They don't often get a magpie, they're too dang smart, even for a coyote, which are pretty cagey animals themselves. Reminds me of the time three coyotes stole our little Scotch terrier dog Tibby (when I was a kid). Hauled her off down the road, and didn't drop her until my dad fired his shotgun over their heads. Man, I can see her still booting it for home, those little legs going like pistons, she was one worried little Scottie!

  3. Cool. Our river valley has a lot of coyote's too...i think they mostly hunt rabbits, and feral cats...and open garbage cans.

  4. Freaky. I have seen them frequently this past while in McKenzie Lake and along HWY 22X.
