Lee and I were excited to take the kids on their first camping trip, so we decided to go Fathers Day weekend. We invited our friends Cam and Wendy and their two boys to come along with us. Lee got bombarded with work and was working till 10pm each night so I organized and got everything together for the trip. On Friday I packed and loaded up the van (harder than it sounds, there's ALOT of stuff you need for camping) and as soon as Lee got home from work we left to our campsite which was 20 minutes away from our house. The campground is called Nature's Hideaway Campground which was just off the bow river. When we got there and found our site this is what it looked like..

This picture was taken with Lee's phone so not the greatest quality, but it was RAGING. If the kids went anywhere near the water they would have gotten swept away from the current, since it had risen alot with the recent rain. Also, the only patch of grass was right next to the river (I just found out that a 29 year old male went missing in that river as there was a group of them that we saw about to jump in just in front of the campground). Also, the only patch of grass was right next to the river. Needless to say, we switched campsites to a WAY better one. The one we got was meant for a group so it was huge.
Kids roasting marshmallows, they loved being able to make their own food over the fire.
It rained a bit while we were there so I was happy that I had bought the screenhouse to keep everything dry. 
Lee with our friends Cam and Wendy.
The first night of camping I thought was great, had awesome company and the kids went to sleep really good. When we went to bed it had started to rain and got quite cold in the night. I think I had about 2 hours of sleep altogether that night as well as had pain from my foot.
Saturday it was very warm outside and there was a decent park they played at, I only wish they had either a pool or a lake they could have played in. We made tin foil dinners that afternoon which were delicious. We decided to pack up and head home that evening instead of staying overnight as I wanted to get a decent sleep before Lee headed back to work.
I think this time was a good learning experience. We know what we want in a campground and next time we will go when its warmer out at night and try find a different campsite with a lake or a pool.