Thursday, June 3, 2010


This weather needs to start getting good, it's June! Needless to say i've been trying to do lots of indoor crafts that the kids could do while the weather is not so nice.

These are finger paints I had them use with a paint brush, halfway through Zoë figured out she could use her hands and was shocked when I didn't say anything. Surprisingly, Dreyton would not do it with his hands and when I tried to get him to do what Zoë was doing he freaked out saying he was messy.

I got this idea from a friend on facebook, it's just salt and Zoë had SO much fun playing with it. I had Dreyton do it but he didn't got the concept of leaving the salt in the bowl.

Happy cousins


  1. Grandma Debbi6/3/10, 11:47 AM

    WOW.....such a great post! And my own little grandbabies doesnt get better than this.

  2. Marion Naylor6/3/10, 4:34 PM

    Yah, great fun....but what was the matter with JJ, doesn't she want to be a DIVA? Starkle, starkle, little twink!!

  3. awwww we have the cutest babies ever!!!!!
