Monday, November 22, 2010

Update on Zoë

Zoë is a busy girl with preschool 3 days a week, and swimming lessons. She looks forward to those days as she's not one to enjoy staying at home for long periods of time. She is excited about the snow, and a great helper for daddy to shovel the driveway.

Zoë's friend Saryn that lives so close and birthdays only 2 days apart, Zoë gets very excited when she has a play date planned.


  1. She looks ADORABLE in her purple gear! I love it when kids are so geared up all you can see is a small part of their face!

  2. Marion Naylor11/23/10, 6:15 PM

    Her friend Saryn looks like a little sweetheart too, just like Zoe. Love your posts, I always check for them every few days. Tell Lee he can come clean off my car in his spare time!!

  3. I think I know Saryn... ;) What a picture! They sure know how to play hard, don't they?!? I still can't thank you enough for the whole day of watching her last week. What an awesome day! You're my hero!
