Wednesday, March 16, 2011


The kids and I decided to spend 2 nights in Olds, AB with Lee as he has been working there for the past few weeks. They spent over 10 hours in the pool while we were there.

Zoƫ and Dreyton have been going to sleep extremely late the past few nights so I was able to wear them out swimming and get them to sleep at a proper hour last night, which hopefully got them back on a schedule now.

the very fast slide, which gave quite a splash at the end

Dreyton has improved SO much in swimming since he's been going to class this year. At the starting of the year he would barely put his cheeks in the water, but now he LOVES putting his face in the water and holding it long enough for me to panic.

They loved jumping in together and making a big splash
Dreyton likes to do a face-flop, doesn't look pleasant.
Lounging on the shallow end
Dreyton got very brave and went on the slide after swimming for a few hours, then kept wanting to go on.

I love taking mid air shots

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  1. so fun! i love those water wing thingies where did you get them!

  2. you can get them anywhere nowadays. they're awesome for younger kids who fall backwards in the lifejackets. I don't remember where I got them, I think maybe walmart.

  3. grandma debbi3/16/11, 9:15 PM

    Actually it was canadian tire............ what an awesome little vacation and what a pool to themselves and of course why would anyone be in a hotel in Olds anyways????? lol

  4. Great mid air shots Kristy. They're awesome.
