Sunday, June 26, 2011

Zoë's Preschool Grad

my girl is now done Preschool and getting ready for Kindergarten. It will be weird for a few months to not have a schedule full of soccer, preschool, swimming, and cooking classes.

Zoë's Preschool Class.

I asked Zoë her favourite friends @ preschool and she said they were Jayden (of course!) and Emily. She also mentioned Kyan, Jacob, and Jaise as her second favourites.
The teachers gave us a get to know you worksheet that they had filled out during the school year. Zoë told them the answers and they wrote most if it down.

They brought home a report card of her improvements this year, and how she did with social skills. Zoë had 8 letters that she needed to practice when they did this report card, but now just Gg and Mm.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Calaway Park

It was nice to get out this weekend and go to Calaway Park as a family. We haven't had a Saturday for quite awhile with Lee so it was SO nice (even if he had to miss some other commitments to come) to spend the day at Calaway Park. We also enjoyed the drive, as it's such a pretty drive through Bragg Creek.

Dreyton LOVES rides now, It makes it so nice that we can go on some rides altogether as a family. We even went on the log ride which Dreyton said was AWESOME...! at the end. So cute.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Zoë and Jayden at soccer

I had bought some rigid wrap along time ago, as I used it quite a bit as a kid. The kids really wanted to do a mask with it, so we decided today was the perfect day as it was rainy and cold. It's a roll of plaster guaze, which has alot of fun uses.

Slathering the vaseline on so it doesn't get stuck on any hair, and comes off easily.

their favourite crafts are painting.
my crazy tie dyed masked children

Lee and I hosted a dinner party a few weeks ago, it was alot of fun. We decided on a fondue for dinner/dessert which was alot of fun as most of them didn't even know what a fondue dinner was.

I had fun covering marshmallows in different toppings to go with the chocolate fondue

The kids were so excited to have our own family fondue the next day with some leftovers

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Driving Range

Lee has alot on his plate right now, and he has a hard time balancing all his responsibilties and finding time for fun as well.

He has work/school/church/family obligations that takes up a tonne of time, and he is also on a basketball league most of the year as well. Luckily he figured a way to go to the driving range to practice his golf skills, with me being more then fine with it. He got the kids a jr. set of golf clubs and he took Dreyton the other day while I took Zoë to soccer.

Dreyton had so much fun spending that time with just daddy, especially when he got to get ice cream afterwards.