Sunday, June 26, 2011

Zoë's Preschool Grad

my girl is now done Preschool and getting ready for Kindergarten. It will be weird for a few months to not have a schedule full of soccer, preschool, swimming, and cooking classes.

Zoë's Preschool Class.

I asked Zoë her favourite friends @ preschool and she said they were Jayden (of course!) and Emily. She also mentioned Kyan, Jacob, and Jaise as her second favourites.
The teachers gave us a get to know you worksheet that they had filled out during the school year. Zoë told them the answers and they wrote most if it down.

They brought home a report card of her improvements this year, and how she did with social skills. Zoë had 8 letters that she needed to practice when they did this report card, but now just Gg and Mm.

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