Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tenley 5 months

wow! I have been horrible at updating.  Just realized the last update I did of Tenley was her blessing!

These past five months have gone way too fast, I am already looking back at her newborn pictures and missing that stage.  

She started rolling back to front awhile ago, but now learned front to back so she is just starting to roll around everywhere on the floor and starting to (worm) crawl a bit, I tried to delay her as much as possible but that didn't stop her for long.   Most babies learn the front to back first but she wanted to be different and switch it around.  

Tenley weighed 13 lbs, 14 ounces on July 9th.  

Her hair has gotten longer, and crazyier.   I have a love/hate relationship with her hair.   It's cute, but on hot summer days it gets so sweaty/greasy and she spits up quite a bit and it gets all in her hair.   She has MANY baths because of it.

No teeth have come through, but she is teething tonnes lately, something always has to be in her mouth. 

She has been a great sleeper so far, I don't feel as sleep deprived as I did with my other two.  

I'm just going to do a picture overload to catch up a bit.


  1. I havent held her for 2 weeks.....it HURTS!!! see u in 2 days.

  2. Nana's having fun watching you from England. See you next week.
