Wednesday, September 12, 2012

first solids

Tenley is 6 months old (almost 7 months).  We started her on rice cereal at 5 1/2 months as she was not sleeping much at night and we could tell she needed some solids to help her sleep longer.

Sitting up for her first time in her high chair

First taste of rice cereal

Open wide!

She gagged the first few times, until she got the hang of swallowing

Hmm. not bad.

Tenley at 6 months old.   She is now army crawling, which has been kinda nice as she loves to entertain herself by rolling, crawling, and playing with her toys in the living room.   She can stay there for a long time now that she can move where she wants too.

My happy baby girl

 Her two teeth sticking out.   Hoping the ones on the top won't come for awhile as I am enjoying my happy, content baby girl.

She was sitting up on her own for this picture, she can sit for little bits at a time.

Big Brother helping

Big Sister helping (luckily now she can for the most part hold her own bottle!)

Playing in her usual spot in the living room

Zoë loves to get pictures with her little sister

Something is usually in her mouth 

She LOVES the bath!   She tries to get me as wet as possible.

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  1. I saw her first tooth in one of the pictures. yay.

  2. Time flyes so fast, she is already crawling.
