Tuesday, September 11, 2012

School 2012

Dreyton is in kindergarten!  hard to believe, I have two school-aged kids.  He LOVES going, and meeting new friends.  He is so social and will go up to kids and talk to them without feeling shy.   He is really good going to his kindergarten doors by himself, and waiting in his class line to go in.   Eventually I will feel comfortable just dropping them off in the drop and go area knowing he will be fine getting to class.

He misses Zoë (aka Mama to him lately)  but LOVES that he can eat kraft dinner (orange macaroni) daily since she isn't there to complain (as she only likes white macaroni) for lunch.

Zoë is in grade 1!   crazy, and sad to have her gone all day long.    She had a hard time adjusting to school now that its full time, and a different school for the first week.   She is getting better now.  She will go in to school on her own now, without having two teachers drag her in, while she's crying for me.   She has a big smile at the end of the day and is excited to tell me all about it.    Now that she's making friends she is more comfortable staying at school for lunch.   

Last night on Sept 10th, Zoë lost her first tooth!   She was so excited as she was one of the last kids in her age group who hadn't lost a tooth yet.    She had me check to see how loose it was (as she did this almost daily), I wiggled it a couple times and it popped out.   Here is Zoë, with her toothless grin.   

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