Monday, February 25, 2008

In Calgary for reading week

I forgot to take some pictures while we were in Calgary. Zoë and cousin Jayden LOVE being together, chasing each other around the house giggling and getting into other sorts of trouble. Lee and I were able to catch up with friends and family that we rarely are able to see which was nice, I was even able to go out on a girls night with Andrea while Lee was at home with the kids.

Zoë with attitude

Zoë playing with her friend Angela (impossible to get them both together looking at the camera)


  1. I LOVE this pic of pouty Zoe.

    So cute!

    aunt linda

  2. Zoe wouldnt have ATTITUDE if she tried.....Jayden however is a different story....just try put a dress on that kid.

  3. Dayna said u have her blocked.....we want to know if this is still the whole chickenwing thing?? If so we r gonna mail you a wing a day.

  4. If that's Zoe now(in the first pic), she's going to be big trouble in her tween or teen years. At least there's quite a few more years to go until that time.
