Thursday, October 2, 2008

Miss Independence

Zoë has been trying to grow up too quick lately. The other night Zoë decided she didn't want to wear a diaper to bed and took it off at some point before she fell asleep. I went and checked on her like I usually do just before heading to bed and noticed her diaper was off and she had drenched her sheets really bad, and was shivering while she slept. So Lee and I did the routine of changing everything and putting her in a warm bath and got her all dressed again and put her back to bed.

The next morning Lee was heading downstairs with Dreyton and noticed Zoë's door was open. He went in to see if she was still in her room, but she wasn't. We went downstairs to find her and she was sitting on the sofa chair hoping the TV would just turn on magically. For all we know she could have came down at 2am, we just don't know. I have started putting a baby gate up on the top of the stairs at night as I think she is too little to wander around alone.

She is growing up so quick, talks a mile a minute and can tell us exactly what she wants. Last week the UPS guy came to our door and Zoë was saying bye to him and said LOVE YOU, and I think he just ignored her and kept going so she said it about 6 times louder and louder until he finally said love you too.

I REALLY hope this isn't Zoë trying to imitate me with my glasses typing away on the computer.


  1. NO! can't be imitating you, I know you love having a little rest on occasion, but you simply DO NOT lie down on the job! That kid is so hilarious, what a pleasure to have one like that to raise and to be around her every day to watch the daily progress.

  2. I noticed that when I was babysiting the boys last night, that Chad likes to stay up until at least 10pm playing with his toys in his bed. Angie allows it. But I guess when you can't stop them from flicking on the switch.

    And she probably is copying you here.
