Monday, October 20, 2008

Trip To Utah

We just got back from a really nice relaxing trip to Utah. Lee had to go to some meetings so we made a vacation out of it and we took Dreyton while Zoë stayed with her Aunties and Grandma. We had so much fun that I had to convince Lee that we weren't going to move there (minus the day that I got deathly sick from what we think was food poisoning).

Dreyton slept before the plane even started moving and woke up after we had landed

Lee and Dreyton enjoying the space on our king size bed at the hotel room

My brother Ryan is officially ENGAGED! I took Katya out for ice cream one night while Lee and Ryan were able to get in her apartment and set it up pretty before she got back. She was sure shocked he was there a day early and in her apartment proposing. Lee took a video of it but its pretty poor quality since it was so dark at the time.

Dreyton playing in the grass while we waited for Ryan to get off his plane

We went to a few restaurants there that I thought Lee may like.
Tucano's is pretty much a meat buffet where servers will come when you want them too with a variety of different meats.
The Mayan is a theme restaurant and there are divers that dive in the restaurant and do a skit.
The Training Table nothing fancy but it has a neat concept, they have phones at each table that you can place your order on when you are ready, instead of waiters coming around, and then they call you back when your order is ready

The area where the divers will dive in The Mayan restaurant

Lee placing our order at The Training Table.

Just outside The Mayan restaurant

We went to Cabellas which is a neat outdoor store and I got a perfect round in a shooting range of 200 pts, Lee got 90 pts

My cousin Chelsea's daughter Emmy and Dreyton playing together, Something wrong with this picture?

That's better my boy

My cousin Julie's son Michael playing with Dreyton, they sure loved playing on that love sac

Playing in the fountains at the outside mall in SLC

We went to Lee's work party the last night there where it was different game shows going on. We won two OGIO suitcases and two ipod portable boomboxes and then received some hats and shirts as well.

Dreyton once again sleeping on the plane on the way home


  1. WHAT a wonderful time you guys had and Zoe always has a good time here.Your blog is amazing and keeps us all up to date.

  2. People dream about kids like that on planes (where you cant escape)!

  3. Stretch, that is so interesting! your trip sounds wonderful, and you chose just the right sort of pictures to put on a blog, couldn't be better. The American trend in their restaurant scene seems to be to attract the customer at any cost. So unique.

  4. Thank goodness you guys are back... how else am I suppose to fill my free time? I missed looking at new pictures....

  5. Hahah! I love that picture of Dreyton with the headband! Good seeing you guys. cant wait to hang out again :)

  6. What a very romantic way to pop that question. And it looks like you three did have fun.
