Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick OR Treat

My butterfly and Lion waiting anxiously at the door to start going

My lion playing on the front lawn for a few minutes

going door to door with daddy, she would kneel at some of the houses when the other people would kneel to put some candy in her bag, she was getting comfortable knowing she might be there for awhile taking all there candy.

Our friend Sky and her kids starting to head out

going door to door with mommy, she lasted for 2 hours (more like Mommy and Daddy and Dreyton could only last 2 hours)


  1. Good ones, Kristy! I love both of your Hallowe'en posts, cute, cute costumes. I knew Zoe would last out longer than the rest of you, that girl's going to be a SURVIVOR!Even had a touch of nostalgia looking at the Bonnie Doon cultural hall, guess I do miss it after all.....

  2. How cute. They are just adorable! Take care of yourself and beautiful family!

  3. Which parent put Zoe up to using a GIANT bag? Who ate which percentage of the candy? Come on, Mom & Dad - 'fess up!

  4. we actually had two of the bags that got filled up, we would pour candy into one when it got a little full for her to carry.

  5. Love the costumes Kristy. Very Cute.
