Monday, December 1, 2008

My 11 mos old Monkey

I have never had to deal with a climber until now. Zoë was never interested in climbing on couches, or tables etc but Dreyton sure is. The first time I noticed he was going to be a climber was when I was on the computer and looked over in the playroom and see him flying down our huge slide at 10 mos old. The instant I pick him up he's squirming away to climb up me, and I always spot him climbing on the small table and chairs or climbing up my couches.

This is the age where it's near impossible to change a diaper or change there clothes since they're squirming so much, near to impossible to read a book since they're trying to rip all the pages or climb on you to get behind the couch, and near to impossible to not have food smeared in every place they could possibly imagine during meals. On the other hand it's also the best age as they have so much to see and play with and nothings boring, and they're learning many new things. Also with my two kids this is the age where they sleep through the night.


  1. R U sure your coming this weekend????? I have Xmas trees and extension cords and lights and stairs and 5 toilets and fireplaces and OH MY!!! I have and I shall live through this FUN stage where NO means NOTHING because I have that VISION of eventually they always obey gramma just like my 2 little perfect babygirls!!

  2. I love the pictures of Zoe making cookies. She is such a little woman!

  3. Boys will be boys. But girls can be just like that too though.
