Saturday, November 29, 2008

Sugar Cookies

Lee had a couple days off from studying and school so we decided to make sugar cookies. Zoë is becoming such a good helper in the kitchen, she can do some of the prepping for me which helps out a bit. If we have something baking in the oven she brings a chair and sits down and watches it cook, she finds it fascinating.

Putting the flour in (VERY messy)

Mixing time

Taste test

Making the bell shapes

Taste test again while iciing (only had red food colouring so decided to make pink cookies)

Dreyton's turn to taste test

She loves to do funny faces at the camera

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhhh! Little Martha, you are so photogenic! And such a dab hand at baking....Kristy, you need to get that kid into the workfield ASAP. What an asset she'd be to the cookie industry. It's either that or Gollywood is calling...she's cuter than Shirley Temple ever was.
