Sunday, April 5, 2009

Easter Egg Decorating

We had a family bike ride over to my parents place today to have dinner and decorate Easter eggs.

Great Grandma Sefcik aka G.G. came and helped us do the Easter Eggs.

G.G. was the only one brave enough to help Dreyton do one.


  1. Were there any big messes to have had? Usually the coloring for the eggs do make quite a big & staind one.

  2. Goodness me, i haven't seen your Grandma Betty Sefcik for decades. Looks like she sure loves her greatgrandbabies.

    I think she had red hair, 20 years ago. I was pretty sure your aunt Susan had red hair back then. We hung out together at a youth conference at the 17th ave Stake Center years ago. I think before you were born.

  3. nonononono Betts never had red hair, it was always blonde and I've known her since she was 18 years old. Darn her, she's as cute as ever!! Betty, Marjorie Smith sent me an 8-1/2by14 picture of our Relief Society way back in the good old days, looks like 99% are either with/child or has one or more in their arms. No wonder we had 200 kids in the Primary. You must've been preggers with Doug, you looked like a young teenager! Next time I come to Cowtown, I'll try remember to bring the picture, we'll have great fun trying to identify everybody.

  4. Remember, Betty had her 4th son by age 21. You bet she was a teenager. Crazy! She doesnt say much when she has grand daughters and at least a few grandsons getting married in thier teens.
