Thursday, April 2, 2009

Science Center

My mom came with the kids and I to the science center this morning. I hadn't been in MANY years, before kids when I was a nanny. It was really fun and I ended up getting a seasons pass as well as a guest pass so i'll be there a lot more now.

The Wacky House where it gets smaller and smaller

each shape makes a different sound, I caught my mother playing by herself in there at one point, quite humerous.

the building center, lots of different objects to build with

The play grocery store, my mother has a major illness (she was cleaning up and organizing the store)

Zoë shopping

this was a black room where your shadow would be reflected on the backscreen after it flashed, looks pretty gross in this picture but it was a very white screen in a very dark room.

Dreyton on the computer

riding a giant ant

getting very wet at the water center

Zoë climbing in the big climbing structure

each time you would step on the picture on the floor it would make little ripples of water


  1. That was a fun day! Last time I was there was for shawns grade 3 field trip! Been awhile i guess

  2. Whenever i see one of your pics of Zoë, i always smile. She's so happy, full of life, always smiling.

    (Thanks for getting your mom on cam, she's having all the fun in the world, with her gbabies. Makes me smile too.)

  3. Marion Naylor4/2/09, 6:50 PM

    Wow, what a terrific place to visit! I had no idea it even existed. And I think it is just great that you (and Deb) are taking your little ones to such a fun, and informative, place. How it broadens those little minds to have experiences like this! Keep up the good work, my dearest granddaughter! Good job!

  4. They seemed to have changed some stuff in there. Dave and I went there this past summer. We've been going to all the touristy spots in and around the city for something to do on the week-ends.
