Tuesday, June 16, 2009

300th Post

wow, I can't believe I have written 300 posts since I started this blog. We went to prince's island park the other day to go feed some ducks as we had some stale bread to use up. We found some really cute ducks with there babies but the evil canadian geese kept attacking them every time they'd come close to us. We fed some geese but they kept coming closer and one of them would come so close it would start hissing at us, I made sure they didn't come near my babies.


  1. grandma debbi6/16/09, 5:24 PM

    Where do u get the energy from??? You are always taking them out......lucky lucky kids, supermom.

  2. Marion Naylor6/17/09, 11:28 AM

    Geese are so rude! and they peck really hard when you fail to indulge them. Good-o on you protecting your little guys from them, they can't be trusted. Great experiences you are giving your children.

  3. Looks like Zoƫ likes aminals!
    Great post, thanks, K.

    (The geese are way cool, the last pic, of them walking up to the food, well out of the water, and your brood, playing with them..that's adorable!)

  4. they both LOVE animals, I have to watch them so closely when we're going for walks because they'll see a dog and start running to go see it, not realizing that not all dogs are nice. I have had a few people say there dog may bite if my kids come too close.

  5. I know what ya mean about dogs...i love animals, and most dogs..but some i wouldn't want to be within biting distance..like for example Uncle Rob's dogs, especially the rottweiler, scare the heck outta me.
